More than you expect for less than you think. Why only 7/10? You'll have to read to find out.
I saw it on special in a shop and decided to get it. Besides, I was tired of running into spoilers. Anyway, here's how it went.
Firstly, the most important aspect, gameplay, thank you Capcom for giving us pc gamers mouse controls and good ones at that. The gameplay is awesome, I have to say. It really brings back the feeling of wanting to progress beyond a chapter. I really enjoyed some of the melee components of the game, it's a great decision thatyou can now smash as zombie's head after crippling it. Have to say though, after Res4 I really hated the interactive cutscenes and I still do.Don't get me wrong, the cutscenes themselves are truly brilliant but pressing 'F' to shoot or A + D to jump out of the way is just lame. Why? It's just not that easy, rather let me get out of the way in game, at least then it would be my own fault. I also enjoyed the variety of weapons in the game only I still don't like buying them, rather let me find them and buy ammunition from the merchant. Where are they buying the weapons from? Isn't this survival horror? Unfortunately, we all know it isn't anymore. Even so Capcom, if you want to sell weapons to the characters, please tie it into the plot somehow. Where's the merchant? Yes, he was pretty random as well but this new method doesn't even make sense. In addition, they are still 'dropping' ammunition for weapons from the bodiese of zombies.
Oldschool again please, provide ammo via dead bodies, crates etc and for Pete's sake, cut off the 'glowy pickup' thing, it's really annoying and kind of insulting.
Gameplay 33/40
Okay, plot. I have to say, I wasn't all that impressed with the plot. Although Capcom introduced a new virus in RE5 like they did with most other titles players didn't see much of the new virus, and from what I saw it pretty much looked the same every time. The characters in the game aren't that special either, not in comparison with RE4. RE5 felt as if the characters had nothing to do with each other even though you know they're tied together. Now I want to get to Sheva, Chris's partner. I hate the fact that Chris had a partner through all of the game, I honestly can say it makes the game so much less frightening. The only time I jumped is when Sheva dropped
down some building right next to me... Jumping only once in an entire Resident Evil game... that's really disappointing and that's coming from someone who is scared easily.
Plot 15/25
In terms of originality Resident Evil 5 disappoints heavily. In terms of monsters, it could basically be Resident Evil 4: Kijuju. The same brilliant parasite in RE4 is back as are El gigante, basically the black ganados and several other stuff from RE4. The monster originality really disappointed me. Even so, some of the boss fights are quite good only they all tend to be overly large and therefore fixed and kind of restricted which makes them very easy to defeat. I would have liked smaller bosses to fight. There is one particular monster battle I enjoyed as well as the look of the monster so +3 for that specific boss.
Originality 14/25
Graphics 10/10
Plot (25%)
Gameplay (40%)
Originality (25%)
Graphics (10%)
Final score calculation: (33+15+14+10)
Final score: 72/100