This is a descent game but it falls terribly short of the mark set by all of the hype before it was released.
First off, the start of the game is done wonderfully.But after the first few hours the game just starts to get boring.The storyline is ridiculous and the controls feel very dated.When you're used to controls like the ones in Gears of War 2 its hard to believe that the developers thought this was a good idea.
Now, I'm not completely bashing the game here, it was still good.I loved the setting, and mercenaries mode very much.The graphics were absolutely amazing throughout the whole game.But, these things aren't enough to carry the game for 9-10 hours let alone for a re-play of the game.
All in all, Resident Evil 5 does some things well, but it just doesn't deliver the thrills and chills that other Resident Evil games do so well.So my score for this hyped up disappointment is a 6.5 out of 10.Let's just hope that the next Resident Evil game lives up to the high standards set by Resident Evil 2 & 4.