Resident evil rises again and it's bringing the pain

User Rating: 9 | Resident Evil 5 (Collector's Edition) PS3
First off i have been waiting for a game that keeps me intrested this long, i have played through it twice already and unlocked 2 of the hidden weapons. Now the review.

The story is just about right, it could have done with abit more of a story in some places but it does a good enough job of explaning some of the characters if you are still stumped on this you unlock the whole resident evil story when you complete it.

The character models on both the main characters and the enemies are no let down, will see the same character from time to time, but they are so well rendered and detailed you won't mind, espically the tribal versions are quite good.

The bosses are grand in scale, but poor in combat they all stick to the old addage of boss fights, wash, dry and repeat and once you unlock one of the hidden guns (not telling you which one) most bosses can be droped in a flurry of bullets even on hard. But first time through you can't help but feel tense when they appear.

Friendly AI is worse than the enemies AI, the amount of times i have died on a mission because of the computer getting to close to an enermy that kills you in one hit and can't be saved from i nearly smashed my pad in anger you've just got to learn when to command them to attack and when to cover.

Controls are similer to resident evil 4's controls but the amount of space you have to carry ammo, healing and weapons is rather tiny and it's all done in real time, no longer can you open your inventory just before that death dealing blow and heal up. This is all forgive because you can allocate 4 items to a quick select bar which saves alot of time picking a gun which i was gagging for in Resident evil many a time.

The hud isn't cloged up with too much, although you can put a GPS on by pressing R2 on the PS3, this can be quite helpful in showing hidden areas with teasure and my favourite addition to the hud is the ammo counter, which ever gun you have equiped you will be show how much ammo you have on your character so you don't have to run out of ammo before knowing you need to change. Once on resident evil 4 i shot one of the chainsaw guys with a shotty and when i went to fire again... *clink* before i had chance to change and more i got my head cut right off.

Weapons are well improved upon this time around, you have proper assault rifles insted of just the TMP in resident evil 4 such as the AK74 some have the correct names some are changed, you have 3/4 of each type of weapon including 1 hidden weapon in each group. If you want to know how to get these drop us a message and i'll let you know.

Envionments are very good and bringing you into the feel of cituation, such as the 1st chainsaw guy the tight spaces help you feel the fear and tenson of each and every second, i loved each area, very well crafted and did a really good job of creating a mood.

****************************Could be spoiler****************************
There is also one rail shooting sceen which i found really fun and a good laugh the boss at the end of this section you should remember almost istantly if you played resident evil 4.
******************************Spoiler over******************************

Over all this game has got it's hooks in me and i feel the infection crawling under my skin, this game is perfect for resident evil fans and a grate romp for new comers.

Online isn't recommended with out the unlimited ammo becuase you can almost gurantee that this is someone whos not completed the game which means that they don't know what they are doing, like some guy i bumped into online who was on the last boss and kept doing it the wrong way round making it impossable to defeat

Thanks for reading