The New Edition of the original version.Comes with game and all DLC.Check if its for you in my new review.

User Rating: 9.5 | Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition X360

Ok this is my review for Resident Evil 5:Gold Edition of course I will start with the basics and then give the goods and bads for it so lets begin.

The Pros-This Resident Evil is very different becuase of the new ability it has.Yet it took a while to make but now we have Co-Op in resident evil.The new mode instantly brings more play time into the game.It will aslo be more entertaining and worth the money because you can play with some one else adn even alone this game will give you atleast 24-40 hours of enjoyment.This one is a very smooth one its a good game with good graphics and good voices.The entire game runs really good and has no bugs or any thing so gameplay is awesome.The stroy behing it is very good and makes you wanna get to the end and fianally see whats going on.The partner is also very useful and you will find in the game and campagin that the Co-Op is need or else you wont be able to get through the game.(Im not saying you need another player the AI is perfect).

The Cons-There are few system glitches were you can get almost infinite rotten eggs.And selling those lets you buy stuff and you can pretty much make it easy if you know how.On some parts it can be frustrating for a beginer.

Gold Edtion Boost-The Gold editon does help out the game that is why I added an extra .5 to the score.The new edition helps out the player because its the game in a new and cool case with chris and jill but it helps because it comes with all of the marketplace dlc.Wich makes it alot easier (and cheaper) to just get this version instead.The dlcs are "Lost in Nightmares" "Desperate Escape" and the costume packs.The first two are add on for the game that give you back bone of some of the story so you know exactly what happend and how.

I hope this helps thanks for reading UroborosPRIME