resident evil ? or metal gear solid?

User Rating: 7 | Resident Evil 5 PC
resident evil 4 took some steps away from the original survival horror genre and evolved into an action type game. although resident evil 4 had some scares here and there , the sudden change from slow moving scary blood thirsty zombies to weapon wealding parasite infested maniacs didn't go down good with the fans. the same thing could be said here but this time they've gone to far The good: * amazing graphics * good solid action (also a bad thing) * three fan favorites return * lickers from resident evil 2 return * real time menu adds to the scares that this game just doesnt have * some good extras
The bad: * as I said before.....action * given that theres plenty of action , why not put some scares in the game....what scares ? in resident evil 5? thats illegal..... * story is so bad its even scarier than the all the resident evil 's combined * sheva is a massive pain in the ass * axe , shovel , bowgun , AK 47 wealding ganados , oh wait there called majinis now.........Buu would be proud....(anyone whose seen dragon ball Z knows what im talking aboud) Ok this game is just not scary , and you'll realise that as soon as you start the game when you are put in africa where th sun is hot enough to fry you and bright enough to blind you and as we all know a good proper resident evil game is never.........ever set in the day light. So the story .........i wont explain it because it would take too long but I can assure you its pretty boring and gets even more stupid and dumb at the end of the game............they kill wesker with two rocket launcher's while he's in a volcano swimming/sinking in lava........and oh the lava doesn't harm him ....but two ****** rocket launchers do!!.Not to mention that they made wesker a maniac in this game whereas in previous games like resident evil 4 ecc he was cool , calm and god like . wesker in this game seems desperate. the games main enemies are the same as last time with the exeption of them being african this time around.the lickers are also back and when you first encounter the lickers , its pretty mhuch the best part of the game.......also speaking of enemies the bosses arent that good eighter , from what I can remember you fight the el gigante from resi 4 who is now called ndesu , a giant infected bat which is called popocarimu , and you fight the same tentacle monster three times in this game , and then theres wesker which youll most probably get your ass handed to you by.oh and in a seperate boss fight with wesker you shoot him with a rocket launcher and its like nothing to can another rocket make such a difference?! especialy that when they fire two he s even more powerful. so you have a partner this time around , one of the many many and many reasons this game isnt're partner does a pretty good job at helping you when you,re in trouble but thats pretty much it , sheva tends to waste bullets like crazy! and it doesnt help that ammo is pretty scarse in this game , not that scarse that you'll need to save you're ammo like you did in previous resident evils or something like that . speaking of ammo one thing I didnt understand about resident evil 4 and is back in this game is why can you only hold a certain number of bullets in one box whereas in previous resident evil games you could hold about 300 bullets in one box . the inventory is pretty small and doesnt allow you to keep as mhuch bullets as you want , so having two o r or three boxes of handgun bullets wont help eighter.the graphics in this game are really fantastic , they where and still are to this day . pity ,what a missed opportunity to make some zombies in HD.....So once you finish the game on any difficulty you unlock mercineries mode which is the same mode as res 4's. actually it was a bit better in 4 because you had leon , ada , hunk , wesker , and krauser . in this you have chris , jill , sheva , and wesker, you can play as sheva and chris in the main game and jill and wesker are unlockable ...but wesker is most probably the best.........but its still a fun mode especially when youre going for a high score!

strictly speaking this game sint bad but could have been so mhuch better if it had zombies original bosses and a better story ..............hope 6 will have all these !!