One of the best co-op action games ever made. Tons of replay value and great multi-player.
I appears that Capcom took the winning formula from Resident Evil 4 (which was intense) and then brightened it up with people less like zombies and more heads turning into plants.
To get right down to business though I'll start with the story. Big buff Chris Redfield is on a safari in Africa when he meets Sheva Alomar who then joins him on a bullet time romp through towns and swamps shooting the locals down. I don't want to spoil the actual important facts, but that basically sums it up. There is dialogue that is just a flowery way of saying walk through that hall to go find this guy and there might be things along the way. Story is not really a strong point as bad guys are pointed out fairly early in the game, and the one major twist is nothing to write home about. Still it gets the job done in explaining what is happening and why this guy is doing it (because he wants to, there that's one spoiler).
The voice acting is solid though, which is why cut scenes are never really drab. The sound effects are fantastic and complimented by some nice music. Although you never have an eerie feeling like in other games in the series. It is just not scary any more.
Graphics are splendid. For me, this game is the best looking game on the Xbox 360 by far. Amazing lighting effects, textures, particle effects (it's Killzone 2 all over again). One of the things I've loved is the gun play, how detailed the weapons are and how finely tuned the animations are utilizing the weapons. This game is no disappointment on that subject. The most variety of guns in the franchise, and upgrading the weapons, unlocking the special bow and Gatling gun. You'll play through the campaign some times just to unlock or use weapons. They are just tons of fun to use.
In terms of multi-player this is the best co-op game. Grab a buddy and play online and you'll have even more fun. Although I recommend playing through first by yourself in order to enjoy cut scenes properly and to take in the game. The game play is great so you will most likely play through the campaign 2-5 times (I've gone through 6 I think). Especially to unlock achievements and other modes and weapons. That's one thing about this game too is the campaign is really short, there is a reward for beating it in under 5 hours, which is not hard to do at all.
I could really just keep typing about good things, the most important thing to take away from my review is that I highly recommend playing this game. Weak story and removing the fright aspect of the series is not cool, but addictive game play and fun multi-player are what is really important.