Resident Evil 5 cutting edge, but with one blunt side
Control: I love the controls they are not confusing or difficult to learn. You can switch weapons by pressing any direction on you control pad depending on what weapon you want and where you put it. The only difficulty you could have is remembering where you put your shotgun in your inventory. No big control flaws that I have seen so 5/5
Music: Lets face it you don't really play a shooter game for the music, little lone a Resident Evil game, but they are spectacular. You can hear when an enemy approaches because you can hear their foot steps and they will yell at you and call for others. I have not really stopped and listened to the actual music of the game, but from what i have heard it is pretty good. In that case i will give this catagory 4/5 because they could make the music more prominent.
Graphics: Graphics are pretty good, they could stand to be more life like. The graphics can get pretty old after about an hour or two, but you did you want a different display of blood every time you are hit. 4/5
Multi-player: Yes a Resident Evil game with multi-player. Local multi-player is pretty easy to start up and get going. The worst part of multi-player is having to argue with your friend over who gets what weapon or who gets to pick stuff up. Now I have never played online so I am just going with Local play. so multi-player score considering you have a cooperative friend 4/5, if you don't your on your own.
Summary: Resident Evil 5 is its own game that fits in with the whole series. Sure it may not be survival horror, but that's what makes it fun for some of us. If this game were to be the exact same game play as all the other games i would probably just read a summary of the plot and be content with never have played it.
Total sore:8.5, there are some thing that could make this game better, like being able to upgrade your weapons as far as you want when ever you want. If you have 3 hours to grind for money just to collect money to upgrade all your weapons then more power to you.