Resident Evil 5 features great co-op play, and is a fantastic TPS.
Unlike other Resident Evil's, this one is shared with a partner, which is a great addition because it gives you more control, and you can play co-op with a friend. However the downside of this is when you decide to play R.E.5 alone. It's still a great game, however you're partner's (Sheva) A.I can get a little frustrating (Takes a while to keep up, Run's on ahead, Points out the obvious). Yes, these reason's are stupid, but it is very frustrating when you're trying to get achievements or just trying to do the level in a good time. Theres no doubt that this game is better shared with a friend.
As for game play, well... It's fantastic. Fast-paced, action-packed fun. Loads of enemies to blast back with a massive arsenal of weapons. It has good replay value, because blowing up zombies is... Fun! The game should keep you playing for a while. Another addition that pushes the replay value though the roof, is the ability to unlock, upgrade, and use loads of weapons, and find the (not so) hidden BSAA emblems scattered around the game. You certainly won't get it all from one play through.
The graphics are stunning, Absolutely Breath-taking. Surroundings and characters are absolutely perfect. Also, the voice acting and sound effects are great too (Although Sheva's voice actor gets a bit irritating when you're getting frustrated at the game).
Resident Evil 5 is a fantastic game, with lots of potential. It's let down by a short story, with a few boring levels, and an annoying co-op A.I. but it still shines through with it's awesome gameplay and graphics. The game is definitely worth a buy if you're looking for a good Shooter, especially if you're looking for a shooter to play with a friend.