Brave attempt from Capcom. A lot of innovation and fresh ideas yet not good enough to make the game a must OWN.
Yeah, i know most of users complaint about the QTEs, scripted event, poor inventory system bla...bla...blaa. I'm going to agree with it because yeah it is poor especially the inventory system. 3 layers of inventory just to put herbs into the case! Wha...??? Why putting a lot of effort just to do a simple task? It just doesn't make sense at all. QTEs. True it is annoying but it takes time to get used to it but still need improvement there though. Camera also need to be improved. Scripted event?? This i wonder why this particular thing being raise. Isn't RE a survival horror game and NOT an RPG game? It is supposed to be scripted people! Please do not confused with the genre.
This is a major issues and i hope for the next installment of RE, i would not encounter it again. So many BUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! How do you expect users to enjoy the game when there are 'sudden death' when you haven't done anything or fighting any B.O.Ws yet? This is kind of dissapointing but luckily they have dealt with this thing and i appreciate your effort Capcom programmers. You're the MAN!
Enough complaining and let's look a the bright side. For me, the unique thing about RE6 is Story Intersections. I'm not gonna talk about Co-op campaign and graphics because it is a common features for most of the games. I'm looking for the rare ones. I choose this feature because it is quite new for me and creative innovation. All campaign intersect with each other and I think this the FIRST game i played to have this kind of feature. So far i've not encounter any games that have this kind of creativity. So much effort to make this possible.
Lastly, Resident Evil 6 deserved to have a score of 7 out of 10. I have to admit i want to give the game a score of 8 or 9. If not of the two major problems, the score could be higher. I hope the people in CAPCOM would look into this matter and not rebooting the series but improvement is needed. A lot of innovation and fresh ideas yet not good enough to make the game a must OWN.