This game for the most part is...
Since Shinji's departure after Resident Evil 4 it seems the series is in the same trouble it was in the last time he left. Lost, not knowing which is the best way to take on one of the most love series of all time. It's a heavy burden to bear. Resident Evil 5 was an indication of things going horribly wrong, but at least that had some horror to it--even if it did just copy and paste Mikami's genius new gameplay. Resident Evil 6 seems to try and be 'with the times' by throwing everything at you, but the horror that you wanted in the first place.rnrnSo, to alot of fans and critics, this game has been a disappointment (one I can't say I didn't see coming.) with the way it's gone about things. But was I with the mob in hating on it? To be honest, no. I should have been, as I've been irritated by how games are going, but this is actually quite fun. You play 4 different characters, weighing in at 8 hours a character!, Chris is the squad based shooter type (and the worst in my opinion), Jake is stealth/fleeing based and Leon is a mixture of the two. I won't say who the other character is, because it's a secret, but they are stealth based. The variety with these characters is a nice change. rnrnrnI also like all the new characters added this time round too. I've hated alot of the new additions in the last few games for them being generic and wooden, but the new one's this time round, while not quite the original cast, hold their own well in the series. And gameplay wise, it all plays pretty well. The A.I is suprisingly solid and does everything you need your partner to do at the right time. Along with the Resi 4--still--style shooting mechanics.rnrnrnIt isn't all fun and games though, as there is some real downsides: tension is none exsistent; characters don't fear what they are up against anymore, instead they are quite content in having fist fights with a Tyrant type! (I am not joking here either...). Infact, the story and characters overall have become nothing more than comical in recent games. When the series started out, it was a serious survival horror game that had a huge amount of realism involved. Now it's all terribly overstylized, think 80's action movies and you'll be half there. Characters survive the impossible and don't even bat an eye lid. Sure, most games have the sense of "no chance", but there are ways of going about it. Take the Metal Gear Solid games, fighting giant mech robots as just one man. But moving that to the side and you are left with a realistc-esque game. The past Resident Evil games have moved so far away from that, that it's lost its tension and fear in the process.rnrnrnGameplay wise, the cover system that has been added is very much on the lines of broken, think how Resi 4 and 5 played like and put them mechanics in an action war game, like Gears of War. But instead take out the decent cover system like Gears and take out all the ammunition. What your left with is a bad attempt to try something different without changing anything major. The result is it doesn't work. rnrnrnGraphics: As with most games these days, put top of the line graphics on games and hope no one smells that it's a polished sh!t. The graphics are stunning. 9rnrnrnSound: Sound fx are good. But the dialogue is still hammy as ever, but the soundtrack seems out of place too... 6.5 rnrnrnGameplay: Even though there are 7 different characters to play as, the objectives the game gives you are very samey. But in all it's ok. Nothing special. And definitely not Resident Evil. 7rnrnrnrnSh!tebox: Poor cover system. it's all too OTT. repetitive objectives. Stupid QTE that happen all the time at no give notice. It is very easy. Even on the harder difficulties.rnrnrnrnOverall: This isn't a bad game like Gamespot have said. It's a very playable and enjoyable game. But compare it to previous titles and it falls on its face. Capcom seem to be desperate to drag more people in, by trying to do everything and roll it into one game. It's lost its roots and needs to go back to the drawing board and bring back the product the fans want. rnrnrnSilent Hill Downpour was the first step in the right direction again for the series, and that was from looking at what they had and going back to basics. Maybe Capcom should do the same.