The biggest betrayal and disappointment in the history of the world.
I come to Resident Evil 6. It comes in the post. I am so excited that I put it on straight away. I'm excited to see what has changed, what's to come, to see old faces and to hear some cheesy lines. And I load up the game and already I am devastated.
Infinite ammo straight away? This is an unlockable. It sounds petty, but it makes me think 'what are they trying to do to this game?'. Then I start playing and realise that you have in fact ruined one of the best games out there. I went to make Leon walk forward... and he ran off?! walking makes the game scarier, why does he instantly jog off? The cutscenes slow the game down, because you have tried to make the cutscenes movie-style action packed, but failed because you've ruined the flow of the game. Even the cinematic point where the ambulance flies in at the petrol station and kills you because you can't see that it is coming is utterly ridiculous. The handgun I may add fires as fast as a machine gun and the health system is terrible! Tablets makes more sense that green spray but come on, white squares? WHERE IS FINE, CAUTION AND DANGER, THE VERY BASIS OF RESIDENT EVIL'S HEALTH SYSTEM? Resident Evil is about fighting zombies... it always has and always will be. This is why Resident Evil 2 and 3 are the best. Enemies with machine guns and humans are not right. You are trying too hard to be like Call of Duty or any other **** third person shooter.
I seriously hope Capcom read other reviews and realise you have messed up. You've messed up something that you had made brilliant and the best game series ever. I will continue to play Resident Evil 6, but will sheer disappointment and only because I have paid a large amount of money for it. Seriously, revert back to your old ways or you will lose many fans. I am not alone in this train of thought.