Okay out front, this RE has a soft spot in my heart for multiple reasons. It originated on Dreamcast *sniff* Its got Chris and Claire *sniff* *sniff* and well alot has to do with the time when this game was out. *bawling now* Seriously this game doesn't deserve more than an 8 and that might be too generous. I don't give slash out reviews because I really like the game. A game review is how the game is not because you like the main character or the graphics are shiny, or "I like how he holds his gun and the catchphrases he says". Theres enough of those reviews on this site. I believe graphics really messed up the review system of games. RECV was a 9.5 in 2000 but in 2003 its a 6.0 because of the control system, not as good graphics? If a game is a 9 its a 9. FF7 will always be at least a 9 plain and simple. There needs to be a reevaluation how we rate games now. If I were reviewing this game in 2000 it would get a 9 . something so I guess games now really do have alot to do with time. But in 2007, a 9 something seems a bit much. This is a great game but I believe alot of those extra high scores had to do with graphics, happy to see Claire and Chris again, another RE romp. So I can't rate this game. I love this game, its also the sequel most deeply rooted to the first one, the voice acting is almost as bad as the original ( not as funny though), its shocking, plenty backtracking, and very unforgivable at times. All in all we need a new game review movement, because I don't like the current one. I give this game a 9 of its time as far as a real score thats anyones guess.
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