Resident evil gaiden is known as one of the worst Resi games but, Is it really that bad, I mean, It is the only GBC/GBA resident evil game, And it brought back everyone's favorite Barry and even Leon made an appearance even though he never mentions it.
Graphics-Now as far as the GBC goes not the best graphics But, It was easy to know what's what at least and apart from some shadowing issues the graphics were Ok but where the issues were they made themselves renown for It. 5/10
Sound Design- Oh my god the sound in this game hurts my ears so much. It sounds like a 10-second loop that went terribly and I mean TERRIBLY wrong. Seriously i dare you to type in Resident Evil: Gaiden main theme tune 2/10
Story- Now the story isn't bad but it's not Resi standard either. It follows Barry "Badass" Burton as he goes to a ship with a B.O.W on it to save Leon who is being half-assed and useless at his job. You also meet Lucia you're first party member who is almost exactly the same as Barry and only lasts as an extra weapon slot. 6/10
Characters- The characters apart from their already set out story. Are pointless to use and in combat only act as an extra weapon and armor slot.5/10
Horror- The game isn't scary, The most horror it gives is the music as it intensifies and melts your eardrums more. 5/10
Overall at least it didn't have terrible voice acting so I give it a 5/10