There is only one way to describe Resident Evil Gaiden. Terrible. That´s actully a shame, cause if it where relaesed on the Playstation, with the gameplay we know, it could have been one of the best Resident Evil games ever. That´s mainly because the game does a good job, of telling a great story, and some good locations. The story takes place after Resident Evil 2 & 3. Leon S Kenndey, has been sent on the star cruiser ship Starlight. But he dosen´t report back, so Barry Bouton is sent in after him. The story later takes some unexpected twists, and the ending is going to suprise you. It start´s good, but when you meet your first zombie, it´s here that things start falling apart. The gameplay look like Resident Evil as we know it. But when i take my gun, point it at the ugly zombie, and pull the trigger, i suddenly go into first-person, and a meter, and my name appears at the bottom of the screen. The meter has a black spot in the middle, and a little orange square is moving around. If i hit the A button, in the black spot, i attack the zombie. Imange Tiger Woods, and you get the idea. That´s a very bad way of killing zombies. This isen´t how Resident Evil should be. What have they done!?. You can easily press A at the wrong time, and waste precious ammo. And since zombies are many, you can easily run low on ammo, and be forced to use the knife, which can only attack enemys at close encounter, and you are very likely to get killed. At the start, your goal is to find Leon S Kennedy, and a girl named Lucia, but since the ship has 100 rooms, it get´s to be quite a challage. Most of the rooms are of coruse locked. You have to find keys of coruse, which either are in the background, under dead bodys, or are carried around by zombies. The game does get quite repetive. There are no puzzles (sadley), your way of progress, is to go around, kill enemys, get key, unlock door, and over and over until you finally die. Later when you find Leon, and Lucia, you can switch between all 3 characters at anytime, under a fight. If Barry is badley hurt, call in Leon, to take care of the rest. Of coruse, is one of them dies, the game is over. The game dosen´t get any better, at this point. It´s still quite dull. The biggest problem, is the save system. They are marked as checkpoints, and there are only 11 total. It´s a real bummer, if you have made much progress, and you battery is nearly dead. It leads to furstartion. The gameplay, is completely dull. The graphics is better through. Good characters, and nice cut-scenes, and good locations, but the graphics are dissapointing through. The enemy design is very dissapointing. You only get to fight zombies, and a tyrant. The frame-rate is really bad, when more then 2 zombies are in the room. The sound is what you can expect from a Gameboy game. Bad 8 bit sound, and crap music, you want to forget, but at least, the game says Resident Evil, at the start menu, and the zombies sound completely like in the Playstation versions. The game takes about 20 hours to complete, but only because of the hard difficulty, and the plain stupid save system. Overall Resident Evil Gaiden, is a bad game. Even fans will be massively dissapointed, but it could be good to get, if you want to find out about Leon, before Code Veronica. The game has a great story, and okay graphics, but everything else is crap.
Resident Evil: Gaiden takes place an unspecified amount of time after the mansion incident. Barry Burton is charged with tracking down and destroying a new Bio-Organic Weapon aboard the luxury liner Starlight. Leon Kenne... Read Full Review
Probably the most unknown Resident Evil game of them all, solely for it appearing on the GBC. The game plays like a 3rd person adventure, then when in combat with a zombie or creature, switches to a first person view whe... Read Full Review