BARRY?!?! WHERE'S BARRY?!?!?! Not on the boxart obviously!

User Rating: 1 | Resident Evil Gaiden GBC
Who asked for this title to be made? Who thought it was a good idea to even THINK an RE game would work on the GBC system? Were people really this desperate for an RE title to take on the go? An were they expecting a title as low quality and low budget as this one to grace the awesome RE series popular for it’s blood and gore theme?
This title is pathetic! Just ask yourself... What resentment did CAPCOM have for the portable systems during this games production... I think this world would be a happier place without REG. And any RE fan will defiantly agree with me!


There is no positive to rate on this one, all negative! Because there is NOTHING good about this title... so get ready for a massive bashing!!!!

TERRIBLE! This game plays sorta like the Metal Gear 2 (NES) game, except with no game actions and no actual character involvement! The "zombie attack" is sad. You attempt to shoot 'em before hand and nothing really happens, and than your bullets run out, and than BATTLE TIME! This was sad... you have a gauge on the bottom of the screen with a tiny little orange space where you can hurt the oncoming zombie hordes (all 2 or 3 in one battle of ZOMBIE ACTION!) and than you run out of ammo, and than it's Knife time! It's kinda like "House of the Dead"... but not. This is the end of Barry's time on this plain, unless you learn how to run, the zombies will find a way to eat you whole! And their slow moving upper-torsos will find a way!

You play as Barry Burton, Leon Kennedy, and some Umbrella guy and you are on a Russian Cargo ship infest with ZOMBIES! Ok... Why is Leon and Barry in the same game? What did Barry do to deserve this fate worse than death? I bet he would have chose being eaten than being in this worthless title! I believe Leon would have chose a similar fate!

Very low. This again looks like Metal Gear 2 title for the NES. It's slow and the zombies are pathetic. The only action available for the Zombies are a swipe and a breast smack by the Female Zombie. Your knifing and shooting is lame to behold. The backgrounds displayed in this game are severely bad and hurt your head trying to find out where the door way is located, and when you come to a door you can't open, and "X" appears to inform you are wrong! Why isn’t this title free-roaming? Where is the fun?

The music is non-existent. The FX are HORRIBLE! The zombies make ONE groan and than attack! One groan! During their one groan, the battle music completely STOPS! Real exciting... really sad... there is no suspense what-so-ever!

Why would anyone even attempt to complete this title?
Did anyone even try to complete this title?
Would you care about their outcome?
Nope... didn't think so!

If you like RE, hell, if you like games in general and claim to be a gamer, don't purchase this title, don't search it out, don't even acknowledge it's existence. If you own it, lock it in your basement and throw away the key. And if it was a gift, search out that person and smack em in the face!

Just wait till RE Deadly Silence (DS) is released to feed your portable RE fix. It will defiantly be worth more of your time than this crap!