resident evil isnt a resident anymore it is an outsider!
bad things happen when u play...suddenly there will be no gunfire audio suddenly u cannot turn around when u want...u will try to get into cover but never get into....there is absolutely no character to the in game characters......they are so deader than the zombies u shoot which are bullet pillows....capcom should not repeat this blunder in RE 6...and the price tag of this pathetic game is astonishing for this horrible third person shooter...this is by far the only worst Resident evil game ive ever played...just played a little and then gave up cause its not worth my precious tym anyways...only played cause it had Resident Evil attached to this horrible slant six bummer....this can never be a resident evil title....capcom please develop fan favorite franchise urself and dont destroy ur credibility by hiring some b grade studio responsible for b grade games like slant six!
save ur money people and forget about this title and spend it on Resident evil 6 which is made and published by capcom!