Resident Evil is amazing game with amazing visuals that will give the shivers.
Game play(9/10)- Resident Evil bring the same game play from the original Psx version. As the Original you play as Jill Valentine & Chris Redfield. Each character has a pros & Cons, Jill is weak but he could carry more Items than Chris. Chris is strong but he can carry several items at one time. The Game introduces a defensive system, each character has a defense weapon to use on enemies when they are grabbed Jill has a taser & Chris has a grenade. Each character also has a defensive knife you could use when they grab you. You travel the mansion with these characters & try to find out what going on there. You will find item that will help you through the game like herbs, Keys, guns and pieces to a puzzle to name a few. The puzzles are different than the original as well as location of many items. The games has new area to explore as well as new enemies like the Crimson heads.
Graphics (10/10)- Resident Evil graphics are amazing on the little Gamecube. The game atmosphere is so realistic & creepy that will give the spooks. The Characters models look amazing & as well as every enemy in the game. They did a good job with the game environments, they will give goose bumps when you see most of the eerie locations,. Like the lightning flashes going through windows in the mansion, The plants & trees moving, shadows & dirty, bloody & wet environments.
Sound (10/10)- The sound in the game is excellent. They did a good job recreating the music in the game. When you enter a room it will give you a strange feeling that cause the music sets the mode. zombies sound the same but the Crimson heads sound different an angry when they get up, you could hear them even if your far away from them. The sound of the guns, foot steps, enemies chopping on your neck are top notch. The voice acting in the game is well done thanks to the change of the dialog.
Value(9/10)- Now the games it around $20 new so there's a great price value. After defeating the game you have more value. You could unlock new modes, unlock new custom, even a new ending depending on the people you have at the end of the game.
In conclusion Resident Evil is a amazing that surpasses the original version. I recommend this to everyone, this should be in your Gamecube collection. Go get it, you wont regret it.