What a game! A must buy for Gamecube owners and for Resident Evil fans.

User Rating: 8.3 | Resident Evil GC
What a great game! The clean graphics are very nice to look at, with great character models and very detailed locations. Cut scenes are greatly appreciated here. They move the story along and are also fun to watch. The sound is stark and sparse. Drips of water and creaks in the floor help immerse you in the mansion. Most importantly, these aspects of the game create Resident Evil's strength: it's creepy, shadows-a-plenty, I'm-in-a-dark-mansion-with-blood-thirsty-zombies atmosphere. The game play itself is unique, with lots of suspense building lulls, lots of puzzle solving, lots of wondering what's around the next corner. Confrontations with the enemies in Resident Evil are intense enough to actually be called showdowns. They are quite frightening, too: don't be surprised to find a new skid mark in your underwear after some of the run-ins with your vein-seeking foes (I've found that Tide with Bleach works quite nicely!)
Even though this game's a survivor-horror game, I'm not a big fan of the lack of ammunition. What joyous glee I get from putting a few buckshot rounds in a zombie's noggin'! Suffice to say, I don't have near the fun running between my foes, and dodging their attacks like a little fairy boy. Another shortcoming: Resident Evil's control scheme has not aged well. Actually, it was never a hit to begin with. The tank-like controls will again agitate and frustrate many players. But, oh well. What a game! I recommend it to my fellow owners of Gamecubes, Resident Evil enthusiasts, and those who think the unfortunate Silent Hill series is fun. :)