The best third party and M rated game on the 3DS.
The game has you playing as RE regulars Jill and Chris as well as two new characters. Your primary focus is exploring a cruise ship filled with mutants infected by virus (trying not give away too much) and you mostly play as Jill. The graphics (first thing you notice on any game) are beautiful, some of the best the 3DS has to offer. I highly recommend playing it with the 3D cranked up to get the full effect. The game never gets boring even during the downtime when you aren't shooting something what with the puzzles that need solving and searching for hidden items with the scanner. In the short time I have had this game I have had a hard time putting it down and have had to sit my 3DS in my charge deck and wait impatiently so I can play some more on more than one occasion.
Now a word on the Circle Pad Pro. For those of you who may not know it is a peripheral offered only at Gamestop that you place your 3DS in and adds a second analog stick as well as two more shoulder buttons (technically 3 but the CPP has an R button that takes over for the one on the 3DS because the contraption widens the system). Right now Revelations is the only game that works with it but there are other games that will work with coming like Kid Icarus and I think Metal Gear Solid. The second analog stick controls the camera while the new shoulder buttons pick up objects, draw your weapon, scan, shoot etc. It was pretty quick and easy to get used to but the only drawback is it makes your 3DS noticeably heavier and you can't really fit it in your pocket unless you have really big ones.
Overall, as I have said, Revelations is the best third party and best M rated game on the 3DS. I urge all 3DS owners interested to go out and get this game new so the publishers (not just Capcom but others as well) will see big sales numbers and the chances we see more good third party and good M rated games for this great system. The only games that I would say are better than Revelations on the 3DS are Super Mario 3D Land and Ocarina of Time 3D, so you really can't miss with this one.