I never appreciated how hard this game was until now.

User Rating: 9.7 | BioHazard: Deadly Silence (Limited Pack) DS
RE:DS is a top knotch game for the D.S. The graphics are solid, and the voice acting is straight out of a crappy horror film (though at least the developers went to the trouble to make it into actual voice overs), as is the story; when a team of police goes missing because of unknown circumstances, the other team is sent in to investigate why. Upon locating the downed helicopter, the police make a run for it when they are attacked by zombie dogs. They come to a mansion nearby, and are then treated to the chaos within. In Rebirth mode, you get a few extra features, including knife combat, special puzzles, and a few surprises. All of this comes at a price; the graphics have suffered a little in transition, and the game is still using the old controls. Those of you familiar with the RE4 controls might find it hard to go back to the old style. Finally, the game is a tad hard to play when in contact with direct sunlight (hard to see). Take all of my complaints aside, though, and you have an extraorinarily well done game at your hands. (I didn't have a chance to review multiplayer, as no one I know has the game, too)