I was very ticked off about the total game play of RE DS. Playing this on the original DS...not the DS Lite is poor. It is too dark and you have to have the stylus in your hands when you are playing. I don't like this game at all..trust me I am a huge RE Fan. Nintendo needs to make major changes on this video game all around. I do not recommend anyone purchase this game. Rent it yes..buy it no. Take your time to learn the buttons(controls) and play this game some place bright!! Be sure to conserve your ammo and take your time in memorizing the map. Trust me when I say you are better off letting the Zombies get you then purchase this. I learned the hard way. I learn this.
Other Helpful Reviews for BioHazard: Deadly Silence (Limited Pack)
The I was afraid that they were going to change the hole storyline and try to make it to fancy but they didn't they made a good remake of the game. The only thing I wish they changed from the original is the key. The Gam... Read Full Review
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence is very much the same game released for the Playstation a few years back, but isn't quite at the same time. It manages to take a classic game, and make it seem new again. In this game, yo... Read Full Review