Resident Evil: Deadly Silence is a worthy portable version of the original classic and is a great choice for DS owners.

User Rating: 7.5 | BioHazard: Deadly Silence (Limited Pack) DS
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (DS) is a port of the original PS1 game 'Resident Evil'; the very beginnings of this game-changing survival horror series. If you're interested in playing an accessible version of the original thriller, you should probably grab this. You get the same game as the classic, all crammed onto a DS cartridge. You still venture the halls solving gear-grinding puzzles as you shoot evil zombies, crows and mutts, with an extra helping hand of a health indicator and area map on the top screen. The DS version adds a new 'Rebirth' mode that makes the game feel a little more modern and a little more diverse. You get some new touch-screen based activities like knife-hacking first person sequences and new, intricate puzzles. If you want to experience the story of Resident Evil where it began, this is certainly an option.

The game's flaws that obviously existed in the previous version are the absolutely frustrating puzzles that will leave you clueless without a guide, and require the mind of a pro detective to solve. Some may find them easier than others, but they were a struggle for me. The game doesn't take much of a step of being a mostly puzzle-based almost point and click game, but you have cinematic and action-packed moments here and there.

The good:
-An absolute blast to play on a portable system.
-New features like 'Rebirth' mode are a refreshing change to make this worth your dollar.
-Captures everything from the original perfectly.
-The map on the top screen is unbelievably helpful.
-A new option for those wanting to start the series from the beginning.
-A unique and memorable atmosphere that must be experienced. Music, sounds and graphics all fit together in a strange combination to create this.

The bad:
-Mind-pillaging puzzles.
-Disorienting sense of direction.
-Lacks story momentum which can lead to boredom.

I'd give this game a very solid 7.5, as I had difficulty rating this. This game is enjoyable at some parts, and absolutely jarringly torture at other times. The memorable experience and fun you'll have are worth the purchase, though.