If this game won't make you jump then the remake will.
It's 1997 and the Stars Alpha team are sent in to recover Brovo team. All of a sudden a pack of undead wolves attack leading them to a abandon mansion. Where they believed they were safe, but...
If Resident Evil hadn't exsit, then the horror games after it would be just idea's floating in thin air. Resident Evil is the great grand father of the mondern day horror games. It was also bad in some ways, not only is the acting is bad, but there kinda lacks the Evil unless you make it by closing the curtains and turns off the lights. It was released with the director's cut, but the American version lacks more of the Evil. It's re-release has dual shock support but it also lacks content. Now it's re-re-release Resident Evil (GB) Remake, it's a stun to look back on. It has worked on the actors and the terrible lines. Not much weapons are avalible unless you are playing Jill's side. This game was released for the Wii along with Resident Evil 0.
Good- Revolutionary graphics for the 90's, very tense and frightning atmosphere, Weapons sound great, puzzles up the butt making you back track, and the undead surprizes. Unlockables (mainly in Directors cut), and has replay value (again mainly in Director's cut).
Bad- Acting was both laughable and terribly the worse, and the puzzles are a pain to complete.
So the original lacks some things but an awsome example.
Good- Gamecube's graphics are breath taking, that horror spike went in deeper than other horrors, weapons look amazing. Puzzles are longer and harder than the last game. Traps makes you want to spring them and shut them off, more unlockables, and more.
Bad- The zombies are a little too strong, lack of ammunition (well I would add this to good but I still hate that, that's my fear running out of everything in zombie land), and the game takes a huge difficulty spike.
So the remake to me is an instant, well, classic. But the original game has inspired that. The Wii version is not worth doing because of the fact that it's the same game.
Both 9.0 instant classic when they fall over in the grave of games.