Lots of action and less and less time. Humanity is on the brink of extinction

User Rating: 9 | Resistance 2 PS3
In Resistance 2 you are part of an elite team created by SRPA (Special Research Projects Administration). I will not describe what SRPA is because that includes exposing too many game spoilers, but you are pretty much part of the best. Resistance 2 takes you off where you left in Resistance 1. In the end of the first game, you ended up being "captured" by the black ops in the VTOL, however as soon as Resistance 2 starts, you find yourself in that same VTOL on your way to one of the remaining SRPA outposts in Europe while you are being briefed the situation. Upon closing into Iceland, you immediately discover that the base is under a full scale attack by the Chimeran forces and inevitably, you are shot down and that is where you come into place.

The story of the game is rather short, to the point and pretty much in a similar style as in resistance 1. From time to time after completing your objectives and proceeding to the next level, you are being told what is actually going on. Throughout the game you can also find INTEL documents that are definitely easier to find than in Resistance 1 and those give you a good additional idea as what you are up against or with.

The game includes several new weapons and in a nutshell, they are great to use. However, I found out the more fun the weapon, the less ammo of it you find, that is definitely true for this game.

As for the enemies and their AI, they show a general improvement to the already good Resistance 1. This makes it sometimes hard but never in a way that you have to reply a scene several dozen times. Your friendly AI when it gets to the people of your special forces team are obviously amazingly clever and smart. However, other regular SRPA soldiers (that are now all in black combat gear wearing masks) are very disappointing unfortunately. They basically walk into the enemy sprays of bullets, surely take a few rounds and then fall down dead but you are so often put with so many of them, that you don't even know if they auto-spawn or are scripted or what is going on because you end up playing several scenes where like in a wonder, many of them survive. But then again, I must say it was rather frustrating.

The graphics are great and full of action. You will see plenty of air units being shot down (VTOLs and airplanes as well as enemy aircrafts of course) as well as fantastic explosions and visuals that leaves you stunned just to watch for a few seconds while you are even taking fire. There is a lot of war chatter on the mic, meaning, you will have a feel like you are in the battle yourself but sometimes I must say, it gets a little too much. You will hear lots of death screams, static, calls of despair as well as rambo talk, so suit yourself if you are into that stuff because you will get plenty.

All in all, a fantastic game to play. If you own a Playstation 3 and are a fan of shooters and do not possess this game, then you are really wasting time by waiting for a new shooter. Be advised to urgently play Resistance 1 that I by the way liked just as much as Resistance 2.