Good game but has some issues
Gameplay - Resistance 2 is about killing aliens. So that is all pretty much you do. It is fun in the beggining but the Chimera just get kind of annoying after a while. The bosses however are always awesome. The Levithian is the one that is the most jaw dropping. The problem with some boss fights are that it's a die and then learn type of thing. Rather than the Levithian you have to die and then find out what to do. Some people might be ok with that but to me that was annoying. Also there will be some annoying frustrating parts. Sometimes you don't know where to go, or how to get there (these are rare but sometimes happen). I know many people out there won't mind this stuff at all so this shouldn't break the experience. 8.5/10
(Note: This game is actually scary sometimes.)
Story- This is probably the worst part about Resistance 2. The story sucks, horribly. The only time I was interested was the very, very end. The world is being taken over, and the main character has a virus that for some reason he doesn't want to cure. Or I guess was to busy killing aliens to cure the virus. That is pretty much the story and it sucks. The characters are also not interesting outside of one (Capalli). I just got finished playing Uncharted 2 so maybe I'm a little biased. 2/10
Presentation - This game has some nice presentation. The way you walk around and see all these eggs everywhere ready to hatch. The Levithian that destroys buildings. If anyone has seen Godzilla (1998) the American version. This game kind of takes some stuff from there book. The only thing bad about the presentation is that you feel sometimes that your in 1950 with the radio and the music. But then the cars are modern so then suddenly you think your in modern times, but then the weapons and all these spaceships make you feel like your in space and not on earth. I ended up feeling like I'm in different places determining the level which sometimes makes you lose the coolness of a world being taken over. Not too big of an issue. Also if you like blood, there is a lot of it in this game. 9/10
Overall this game is good. Outside of the boss moments (which were amazing) I didn't see anything I haven't seen before. I didn't like the feel of the place, I would have liked it like the first game in terms of the way they handled the feel of the place. The story sucked. This review kind of sounds kind of like Resistance sucks but it doesn't. I just like to point out all the problems. This game is pretty good and the boss moments make it worth having to kill hordes and hordes of these chimera. Yeah I should also mention that this game has some scary moments too.