BUY THIS GAME this game is are amazing,multyplayer is amazing just evrything is amazing
just BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In co-op you have a different levels with more chimera to attack you its just so fun.
Also their are some really cool new weapons which are so fun to use my favourite is magnum cause when you press R1 to fire you just shot somewhere but when you press R2 button for secondary fire that bullet explode its just so fun.The bosses are also amazing you will have so much fun playing this bosses..................
there are great.
oh yeah if you see some textures poin in thats because of scope in the game the bossess are so big I mean you watchd the Leviathan in action right.
I just want to say that if you hava a PS3 this is must buy and your gay if you dont buy it.