This game is so much fun name another game where your pistol shoots exploding rounds. I didn't think you could.

User Rating: 9.5 | Resistance 2 PS3
This game does get rid of some of the features that I like such as the 4 chambered health bar, which it swaps out for Call of Duty style red screen. Also the game makes you only carry 2 weapons at a time instead of the crap load you could carry in the last game. However the new guns are crazy like the splicer that can cut limbs and heads of with saw blades that you through at them or double as a chainsaw like gears of War. As mentioned before the magnum aka pistol fires exploding rounds that you can detonate if the bullet alone doesn't kill what you shoot. The gore has been ramped up do I care not really but if you hate seeing disembodyied heads or chunks of giant monsters then this game is not for you. The campaign is about ten hours long and will change players even on medium difficulty especially on the last two levels. The online is amazing with eight player coop and 60 player competative. This game is solid not to much wrong with it. Overall a great buy if you are looking for a great FPS.