The best online game ive seen since call of duty 4.With 8 player online co-op whole new campaign for it.60 playermatches

User Rating: 9 | Resistance 2 PS3
Wow the game is awfully fun I got it on Nov.5. I wasnt so hyped for the game intul i got it i thought the 60 player would be ruind but it is perfect. With no lag which suprises me alot. the 8 player online coop is the best coop ive ever seen but only 3 classes though.The games graphics sometime is bad with bad pop up textures. If this game is bad wow i would get angry cause now im broke from all the other games. and this one is the best up to now its simply amazing.Well now you are wondering about the 1st single player story. well it is awesome like heck. I usually get all the trophies and stop playing it a bit. but not this game im going to play it alllll day long...............................................................................Get the game trust me k back of playing resistance 2........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Scores:

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