this game is very very good. it incorporates ideas from call of duty 4 and medal of honor airborne in terms of weapons capacity (only 2), and other miscelanious items (like running). there are new weapons, like the wraith, a portable chain gun; a magnum pistol; a makeshift sawblade shooter called the splicer; and of course all of the classics. the missions are kinda hard and boring, but once you play through it once and figure out where to go and what to do, it is really fun. the physics are amazing, limbs of your enemies can come off, enemies can blow up into pieces, and new headshot physics. there are new chimaira as well, but i dont want to spoil the game to you. the online is great, which incorporates classes to choose. i would definately recommend this game to everyone who has the ps3, especially those who had the first resistance.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains: Strong Comic Bloody Violence and Threat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resistance 2 is a Historic First Person shooter wit... Read Full Review
For my first GameSpot review I will be reviewing Resistance 2, exclusive to the PlayStation 3. For ease of reading, this review will be broken up into 6 parts. These parts will include graphics, sound, controls, online... Read Full Review