Resistance is an extremely awesome game,possibly one of the best I've ever played,read for more!

User Rating: 10 | Resistance 2 PS3
For starters, we'll start off with the campaign:

The campaign can get kinda boring at times and a tad frustrating,I started on difficult so it never gets old.The level designs are at times ASTOUNDING!The graphics are very good, especially if you have an HDMI cord hooked up.The weapons are sweet,wish they kept some of the old ones though, but besides that...The campaign is great!


The multiplayer,the first time you play this,you WILL be hooked...BELIEVE ME!The modes are great,there are Team-deathmatch,Deathmatch,Core-capture.and skirmish.All these modes are extremely addicting and are very distructive,but trust me,playing a 30 vs. 30 Team-Deathmatch is a blast.Same with the 8-player Co-op online, it was a great add-on from the last game.There are 3 diffirent classes and they all have a job,in order for the team to survive,they all need to do their job.For instance,the soldier just needs to protect the team with their massive wraith gattling gun or the team is dead,the spec-ops needs to give ammo to get ammo,and the medic shoots healing blasts and there is no replenishing, so you need a medic.


The graphics are absolutely great!A much better improvement since the last resisitance.The graphics are only good in certain places though,such as if you look at barbed wire,it will only be a 2-d picture,just like in every game.Besides the pastes of the 2-d pictures,the graphics are incredibly awesome,once again,especially if yoou have an HDMI cord.

Overall gameplay:

Just for short words...