prepare for the next war !!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Resistance 2 PS3
I recently picked up the collector's edition of Resistance 2 and after playing through the game I've decided that it improves on the original, yet it also has new flaws.

First, the good:

The AI has been improved from the previous game and enemies (while not extremely smart) seem to work together more efficiently to bring you down. There is still the occasional enemy that seems to enjoy running into walls, but overall the AI is more aware and more deadly.

The player models, enemy models, textures, and level designs are all improved. Enemies and friendly AI comrades look more realistic and interact with the environment more naturally than the previous release. The environments are well thought out and the level design really draws you in to the task at hand.

Multiplayer support for up to 60 players in matches ranging from team deathmatch to capture the flag. It features an experience system that allows your player to "level up" and have access to better equipment. Also, there is an online co-op that supports up to 8 players for an added challenge.

Next, the BAD:

The overall quality of the game's textures and attention to detail is flawed by horribly fake and cartoon-y blood and gore. The blood looks like someone drew a red splat in MS paint and pasted it on a wall. The occasional metallic blood pool doesn't really help with the realism either.

Many times ammunition is scarce which adds to the suspense but it ultimately frustrating as the developers expect you to plow through hordes of flesh-eating aliens with 3 shotgun shells.

The difficulty. I'm not saying hard games aren't fun, I'm just saying there is a difference between a game being hard and a game being kiss-your-@55- goodbye impossible. Many areas in Resistance 2 are unforgivably difficult and the game seems to laugh as it watches your war-torn limp and burning corpse slumps to the ground over and over again.

Overall the experience is a pleasant one. If you can look past its flaws, Resistance 2 is very much worth a purchase or in the very least a rental.