Great single player but the online isn't quite there yet.

User Rating: 8.5 | Resistance 2 PS3
I enjoy the story of resistance it is an amazing looking game. the graphics are even better than the first one and weapons continue to get better. the breeds in this game are widely varied and the difficulty is just right. There are mission in this game that make you feel as though your in an epic movie. The resistance story is a fusion of War of the Worlds, Independence Day, and Resident Evil. The problem i found with this game is the online play it still hasn't hit the proper balance of a good online shooter. its better than the first one but its easy to get frustrated when the opposition kills you faster and your shooting them for a while before they notice your shooting them. All and all the gameplay is amazing and the co-op play is fun both online and off. if you have the money resistance 2 is good game to buy