Very Good worth the money and anyone who has finished it can probably guess another sequel will follow.

User Rating: 9.5 | Resistance 2 PS3
I did not play the original and it took me longer than expected to complete the game on mere normal mode. Nevertheless I had just been dissapointed by End War (included microphone decided to be retarded and not work and EU and Spetsnaz are no match for JSF making it one sided). Anyway enough with Clancy, You start off as you know with withdrawing from England and the beautiful start lines *The US send 12,000 troops to aid the British... only one survives* YOU! This immediatley allows you to picture your fight with Chimera if they've taken Britain, Europe, RUSSIA?! how can you possibly win? But a mix of great skill and fantastic weaponry such as Fareye sniper rifle that slows down time so your shot becomes a hs on a moving target to the magnum pistol, powerful but rounds explode and of course Rossmore invaluable against invisble Chameleons and hordes of grims (Chameleons invisible creatures that you can feel the footsteps and see the outline of 10 metres ahead of you before they slice you limb from limb, grims *think thats their name* charge at you in frantic hordes trying to overrun you and can be at every turn and nearly made me **** myself when you are climbing through the wreckage of Chicago *say no more*).

Anyway thats guns and the beginning of the plot but as you can guess an alien race arent going to be like us just metal firing, flak armour wearing freedom fighters. They range from as above the Footsoldier who appear even though to be the norm still bloody effective if they get a good shot or two in (if they do!) and the shielded drones fluttering around near invincible to anything short of mind-powers (people who have finished it will know what i mean) and the LAARK bazooka or Wraith gatling gun. Basically the soldiers of the Chimera that you see every mission prove to be relentless and barely ever shurk from close quarters as i was shocked to find out in the first mission! Of course as you go through the enemies are shown to you but what really is good is often with earlier games (maybe i was just being dumb) but I found some parts tricky with no hints on what weapons to use against the enemy and where to hit them when I got the weapon. Resistance 2 had no such problem and tips appeared during the battles where to hit them and what to use precisely (a mundane example but bear with me: Chameleons, one WELL placed shot can stop that bastard from getting you!) More tips appear later for the NUMEROUS troops that attack you.

What is lovely about the mass fights when its not that the enemy have the better skills and are bigger but its you and a number of SRPA fighting against large forces of Chimera troopers you: armed with the M5A3 Carbine against them: armed with Ak-47s...

... nah just messing Bullseyes (Mk II and Mk I) A good one of these I found was in Chicago where loads of enemies and a fair number (remember every man counts when everywheres crawling with Chimera!) of either your mates on CO-OP or AI troops that are pretty effective which is pretty usefull when you need to duck and heal.

My last point (this is my first review because the game is worth it!) is the bosses ranging from the near T-Rex sized Marauder and the Kraken they variey so much that it never ends up boring when there is always a tactic that is mundane but is the only way to kill the creature granted and it maybe best that you use the LAARK while trying to destroy a Titan rather than a Bullseye... But nevertheless they always varey they are very different there are numerous monsters that climb buildings to catch you others just crush them lol. Of course The absolutley gigantic Chimera in Chicago is just bloody brilliant (unfortunatley I do not know its name) anyway it was suprisingly easy but when I first saw it smash that VTOL (SRPA Aircraft) out the sky I immediatly thought me and 4 guys armed with machine guns are taking on Godzillas brother. but my heart was thumping and even though it wasnt real every bit of the game put my heart rate at 1000! *BIG POINT* The game was never boring! It always had suspense and me constantly yelling at my brother to turn the music down so that I could hear every footstep my enemy was taking was he above me by my side and best place for this was using your flashlight in the cellar below a house after a crash you with a shotgun searching through a house filled with creatures that charge you like zombies from Dawn of the dead (although sickly brown coloured and had four eyes and jumped out of cacoons but thats not the point). Every moment you here a door creak or the radio randomly turn on ( I loved the look on my brothers face when he entered a dark room with a sudden noise saying "Hello Philadelphia" in a corny american voice made him jump and drop the controller) everything including the screams of the odd friend start screaming as he is shot to hell or ripped to pieces gives you a heart attack!)

Inconclusion BRILLIANT game only problem with it (which isnt really a problem) is that the game on normal alone is almost impossible Im not going to even try to complete it on hardest mode! (sorry update: I have completed it on hardest mode... was difficult but not impossible sorry).Nevertheless brilliant game note: chance of a sequel seems almost definite although players who finished the game and watched cinematic may think the chances of being Hale again are very low.

Amazing but the odd tweak could have made it better so an excellent 9.5 out of 10 and looking forward to sequel hope it appears sooner than the 2 year gap between this and fall of man.