The sequel to the best selling PS3 launch title game does NOT disappoint!!!
You have the
Single Player Campaign- which follows the story of Nathan Hale
8 Player Online Co-op or 2 player Offline and Online Splitscreen Co-op- with its own unique story and classes which you need all three of to survive and you can also gain XP which then levels up both your Co-op and competitive rank. The classes include-
Soldier- the main fighter which has the most health and can take the most damage from enemies carries. He is armed with the HVAP Wraith as his main weapon which has a sheild for its secondary weapon.
Medic- the healer of the group who has to heal and Revive his team mates when needed. He is armed with a healing gun which when used shoots a beam which then drains health from the enemies and is given to him to heal his own health.
Spec Ops- the sniper of the group which main goal is to give out ammo to his teamates. He is armed with the Marksman gun as his main weapon
Competitive- Ranges from Deathmatches to the Skirmish mode on where the players have to complete objectives to win the match. Also the total amount players is now 60.
Overall the game is a good improvement from the first on both its single player mode and multiplayer game modes.
The graphics are more sharper, the lighting has been improved, the story is more in depth with proper cinematic cut scenes, Trophies have been added, Maps are bigger, Oh and the scale lets not forget about that and how insomniac have managed to create brilliant 300ft boss battles etc. Its fantastic.
Its not complete perfect though for starters there are no vehicles in this game but the first had a few levels during the single player game when the use of vehicles was needed and the single player is slightly shorter than it was on the first Resistance and I must say it is harder than the first one.
But thats about it for the bad points.
My final rating is 9.5/10 a big improvement from the first and in my opinion the best FPS- First Person Shooter game of 2008 which everyone who likes shooters and has a PS3 should own.