Titans, Leviathan and Chameleons , oh my. It's lock and load fun.
The game is fun to play and I am not really a fan of fps (first person shooter), but I have to make an exception to this one. If this game had lean around corners from a covered position, it would have been perfect. Did I say this was a fun game?
The graphics were very good. The alien ships look awesome in the sky and the 300 ft. creature is truly weird looking to say the least. The Chimera, hybrids and others are some very ugly creatures. The battles can be very intense at times.
The game has a way of offering the right weapon at the right time, but in few scenarios, I am not going to say when, you get an abundance to choose from, so choose wisely and if offered a large one, it would be wise to take it. The main idea and best idea is to keep the right two weapons on hand.
If you are tactically impaired (being politically correct), you will reach your demise quite often, so stay on your toes, keep low when possible, and use the environment to your advantage.
This is a good game for single player. The campaign is highly intense, you might bite the dust a few times, but you'll get through if you are persistent. I recommend it for those looking for a fun fps to play, this is the one. So, strap on your combat boots, lock and load and get ready for some intense action. I give it a 9.2 total rating.