First Review, Resistance 2.

User Rating: 9 | Resistance 2 PS3
This is one of the 1st games I got for the PS3, and let me tell you even though it didn't quite meet my expectations, it was still top-notch in it's own right. The story may seem a tad motonous, and a little boring but I did get into it near the middle and found it pretty interesting, but I had a feeling playing the 1st one would make the story a little more interesting. Shooters really don't need too much story however, it's the gameplay that matters. Resistance 2 shines here, with great level design and tight controls. The Chimera run in, guns a blazin, but they come in numbers, making you think before you decided to run in melee them all. The level design and atmosphere is splendid, giving you an eerie 1950's layout, much like Fallout 3. I did prefer the health system from Resistance 1, as it was unique, and really was a breath of fresh air, but this is something we all know and love. I also liked the co-op campaign greatly from R1, as it was just plain good fun, but I suppose it didn't flow with the story well (most points in the game the main character, Nathan Hale (very boring by the way) is often alone in story missions). Battles are intense, and some enemies might be a little, well, scary. (Chameleons scare the **** out of me). Boss Battles are epic, but a little on the easy side.

This game defiently would not be as good as everyone would imagine if it wasn't for online mode. This is what seperates it from other PS3 shooters. 60 player matchs (boy are those fun), with various modes like DM, TDM, CTF, and Skirish, which is a game where teams are divided to perform random goals, an example being protect a player, where one team must not alow a person on their team to die, and the other teams must kill him.

Resistance isn't what you call "number one". It gets the best elements of most popular shooters, then mixes them up in a pot. However, all these elements can be a little generic at times. But so what. This game rules. Probably the best exclusive shooter on the PS3, hands down, and a really good shooter of this gen. Pick it up, whenever you can if you are a shooter fan. I would give this game around an 8.8 or 8.7, but I just rounded it up. :p