Resistance 2 is a fun experience that i think everyone should at least try. The campaign is fun and i liked playing through it, although there isnt a too immersive story. The boss battles are fun, with the exception to the final boss which was a letdown. During the campaign, both single player and co op campaigns, there are some sequences where tons of newborn chimeras(which are tall and grown looking) come at you by the dozens, it reminded me of a sort of left for dead type sequences, which is alot of fun. There are giant chimeras that are great to take out and there are a good variety of weapons to choose from. Overall i give the campaign and 8/10. Now for the co op campaign, which are basically side quests which explain the story a bit more, i actually prefer these missions over the competitive online mode. In co op there are 3 classes to choos from, medic, soldier, and spec ops. Medic heals the team, while the soldier is pretty much the one who takes on most of the action, and spec ops is second in action and provides ammo to the team. There is a sense of dependency in this mode and you can play it online or off, i prefer online with 8 people, to work together and complete mission to earn gray tech which is pretty much like currency to buy upgrades for yourself and weapons. The co op is tons of fun and me and my friend get on and join online matches, I give co op a 10/10. Now there is competitive matches, these are the 60 player battles. These matches range from 60 players to lower depending on the map. Its pure fun and mayhem playing with 60 players in a team deathmatch because there can be enemies at just about everywhere you look. You gain levels and unlock new and stuff such as guns and equipment like in cod. I like competitive but not quite as much as co op, so i give it an 8.5/10. Some flaws include the fact that i get booted out of the game and onto the title screen after a match is over, so i have to go back to the mode i was playing and choose search again. This only happens for ranked games though, which are the games you need to play to gain experience, and it does get pretty annoying. This doesnt happen for the single player story campaign though, just co op and competitive. This is an awesom first person shooter and if you're into shooters then this is an excellent game that should be considered, there are some flaws, although minor, Overall its great.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains: Strong Comic Bloody Violence and Threat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resistance 2 is a Historic First Person shooter wit... Read Full Review
For my first GameSpot review I will be reviewing Resistance 2, exclusive to the PlayStation 3. For ease of reading, this review will be broken up into 6 parts. These parts will include graphics, sound, controls, online... Read Full Review