Resistance 2 does exactly what a sequel needs to do. It improves on the original and greatly expands on the epic feel.
First and foremost, the weapons are the star of the game. Most good shooters have weapons that stand out and make the game fun, but never before have they taken center stage the way they do here. They all have a secondary fire mode that is usually used in interesting and original ways. The most common gun is basically an inaccurate alien blaster rifle, but the secondary fire hits the enemy with a tag that makes every shot fired home in on it (very similar to the one in The Fifth Element). This allows you to shoot enemies around corners or duck behind cover and still hit them while firing straight into the air. Another highlights all nearby enemies, regardless of what room they are in and allows you to shoot them through walls. This would be an extremely unfair advantage, but in areas where this gun is located, a few enemies usually are armed with it as well. The sniper rifle's secondary button slows time, allowing you to pick enemies off in slow motion. There are too many weapons to mention here, but they are all a blast. Even the generic machine gun with a grenade launcher is fun to use. Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that this may be the first shooter I have played where the grenades feel right. Most games have extremely under-powered grenades, but the ones in this game never felt that way.
Most of the levels fall somewhere between great and epic. Just in the first level alone, you are running along the ground beneath a fifty story tall enemy mech as it trudges closer to its destination. The atmosphere changes from one level to the next. One could have you traversing rooftops while battling a massive monster while another may have a dark, confined horror setting. The sheer variety is impressive. The only one that disappointed me, unfortunately, was the final level. The second to last level has you chasing down the main enemy, but ends abruptly. You are then sent on another mission that is that isn't particularly original. It feels like it could fit into just about any other game. Even the final battle could have been put straight into the second to last level without any changes, so the final mission feels tacked on solely to extend the game.
While the missions are great, the story doesn't compare. It manages to be both generic and confusing. Most of the time, I had no clue why we were going to most of our objectives. It's understandable since generally the soldiers in the field don't know the whole story behind their missions, but from a gameplay standpoint, it prevented me from really caring about the conflict. Also, without giving too much away, the ending was terrible. It would probably be on my list of top ten worst endings.
The graphics are amazing. All of the areas are incredibly detailed and realistic. There is almost always debris and dust floating through the air. Several levels take place amid a larger conflict that can be seen stretching for miles when you get on top of a building or hill. There are an amazing number of massive ships and enemies that really add to the epic feel of the game. The water is, hands down, the most realistic I have ever seen in a game. It is clear that this title truly is taking advantage of the PS3 hardware.
All in all, Resistance 2 is a great ride. It is a decent length (clocking in around eight to nine hours), but I did wish it was a little longer. The gripes I had with the story and final level prevent it from being the best game on the system, but it will still have me playing for a long time to come.