Nathan Hale is back but his second adventure is a complete LETDOWN
What did Fall of man have that made it one of the most successful fps?it had solid gameplay,good graphics,a reasonable story,a good variety of weapons,intelligent AI,a good co-op unit and interesting characters.
Resistence 2 did try to do this but failed miserably,once again you play as hale the hero of the first game trying to fight off the chimera,the story this time around is horrific,you never seem to know what is happening and the game just keeps sending you to different locations to kill chimera,the characters are extremely boring and keep shouting through the levels and you never seem to get excited about what is going to happen next because you don't know what is happening currently.The voice acting isn't anything special either actually hale's voice kinda irritated me.
Now to the gameplay and graphics,the game has good although not great graphics and the environment is nicely varied sometimes you fight in a colorful forest,sometimes in huge metal halls and sometimes in dark rooms at few points the game is actually pretty scary,chimera's pop out of nowhere in dark rooms which might startle the player which is impressive,the gunplay is one of the strongest points in resistence 2 and the game offers some really exciting fire battles,the boss battles are HUGE and extremely fun to play,the game like the original has a lot of weapons and the secondary fire mode in each weapon are fun to use,there are different types of chimera's which add variety to the game but what made me give it a 5.5?
The AI and difficulty in resistance 2 destroy the fun elements of the game,the chimera only attack hale and completely ignore the other squadmates and my squadmates do nothing to protect me,the only thing they do is reload,i remember in one level where i went to switch on a door and capelli(NPC) told he would give me cover,so i switched on the door only to find 50 leapers behind me and capelli only fired when i shot the chimera,The enemy AI in resistence 2 is fairly intelligent and offer a LOT of challenge on hard mode but the dumb AI of the squadmates bring some INCREDIBLY cheap deaths,the checkpoints don't help either,when you die you have to replay huge chunks of the level to reach the part where you died.I am not a noob and have a lot of experience in the fps area but the game has a really unfair difficulty,the game isn't hard,it is just had when your squadmates do nothing and you have to fight of 100 chimera on your own you don't have much chance of winning,the weapons although fun to use run out of ammo quickly especially the rare weapons like the AUGAR,sniper and grenade launcher,another bad thing is that you can only carry 2 weapons this time around,so if you pick up a primary rifle and a sniper and you run out of rifle ammo you don't find any sniper ammo to back you up and you don't have a third weapon to use.The co-op has gone horribly wrong and there is no campaign co-op,instead the co-op are a bunch of random missions with no story with a useless class system.
players who haven't played the first may find this one good but the the players who have the original will be disappointed,like i am.