this game is awsome!! Every thing about!!! it has amazing multiplayer, single player, great story and graphics!!! get it

User Rating: 10 | Resistance 2 PS3
I loved the first resistance and didn't think any thing could top it. But resistance 2 proved me wrong. Not only are there great graphics but it has a solid story mode but also one of the best multiplayer modes every!!! I love battling with 60 people in teamdeathmatch, and skirmish mode rocks. The single player is great too. I loved the levels and and the weapons. the story is great but at times confusing. But it still is one of the best storys every. Weapons are all great and all have really cool secondary fire modes. The carbine and bullseye return with others from the first game but then you also have new weapons like the marskmen and magnam. Besides competitive multiplayer you also have a co-op mode. Two people offline or eight online. this mode is great because you get to choose a class and you all have a job to carry out. Medics heal people and steal health from chimera froces, soldiers lead the charge into battle and can use their sheild to cover you, and special ops keep the team stacked with ammo.this is agreat mode and should not be missed. the only thing that is'nt so great is there is no 4 player split screen and there is no co-op in the main campaign. but other than that its perfect. Get this game! GET IT!!!!!!