If you think the first one was good wait till you play this one Read on.......
Resistance 2 continues the story of Nathan Hail, basically just a resistance fighter kicking some evil chimeran but. The story in resistance 2 picks up where the last game ended. You get picked up by some more resistance fighters, and as soon as the cinematic is finished you get straight into battle with a magnum(soon to get a bullseye). Resistance really doesnt waste any time building the game up but i really think that thats a good thing. However resistance 2 doesnt tell you much about the characters in the storyline. This is one of the stories bad parts but what Resistance 2 doesnt have in the story they sure make up in gameplay.
The sheer scale of the game is amazingly massive. The levels are very huge and you get to explore dark underground chambers, forests,space ship corridors, canyons and lakes. Another thing resistance 2 has brought into the games is a great range of challenging enemies, guns and awesome boss fights. However im not gonna spoil the story for you but i will tell you that you get to kill some invisible creatures that come out of nowhere so keep your rossmore on you in the lakes/forests. Resistance 2 graphics are very good.
Now onto the online. Gee the onlines good you have a choice to play competitive or cooperative. I basically always play cooperative because i think that the co op is alot more solid than the competitive. I'll start off by telling you about the cooperative. With the cooperative you have 3 classes to choose from the soldier( The grunt), the medic(the healer) and the special ops(the ammo giver). With all of those classes come different responsibilities the medic cant win without the soldier, the soldier cant win without the special ops and so on. When playing co op you hav a choice between 7 or so levels with there own level of difficulty. In competitive you have about 5 types of matches to choose from and a good range of areas. Now im sorry but i dont do alot of competitive so i havent got much to say about it but in the big matches watch out for grenades they are EVERWHERE and when i say everywhere i meen EVERYWHERE.
Overall Resistance 2 is a great game with awesome multiplayer, a good story and excellent gameplay. Well worth the asking price.
Graphics: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Story: 8/10
Enemy AI: 9/10
Online: 10/10
Surround Sound: 8.5/10
Replay Value/ 10/10