The most action-packed and emotional resistance game in the series.
The story:
To my surprise the story this time around isn't bad, it's actually an emotional roller coaster.The chimera have taken complete control and pockets of the human resistance now hide underground the destroyed cities, developers Insomniac do a fantastic job of creating a grim world and showcasing the hardships of the human survivors, you play as Joe Capelli,you may know him if you played R2, who goes on a mission to end the chimeran reign once and for all, you meet alot of interesting characters along the way,which enhances the fun in playing the missions.
The gameplay:
The strongest point in each Resistance game has to be the fun gunplay with tight controls,the fire-fights are outrageously fun,the boss battles once again are huge and the guns are amazing to use,the secondary fire of each gun gives more variety to the gameplay,the enemy AI is good and actively try to flank you instead of just sitting behind cover and popping their heads out for you to shoot,the weapon wheel is back and the game does an extremely good job of making you use each one of your weapons,the health packs are back aswell which makes you wanna think your strategy in a firefight instead of a mindless bulletstrom.The game features a co-op unit and you can play the action packed campaign alongside a buddy with double the fun and it also has separate co-op missions which can be played in spliscreen or online.
The graphics:
The graphics are good and the R3 has a colorful world,the character models are well done and nicely polished,the animations are smooth, the voice acting to me was a bit off for me which was a disappointment.
Unfortunately,since my code did not work i could not play the multiplayer and i didn't wanna buy the the network pass.
But with what i have played in the co-op and the single player R3 is an action-packed adventure with a great story,good gameplay.All in all it's an amazing end to the resistance series and a must buy for a PS3 owner.