I have never been a fan of the fps genre but i do enjoy classics like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. With teh PS3 launch Resistance was obviously the premier game and it delivers on nearly every level. The Sinlge player campaign is long, lengthy, and a blast to play either with a buddy or alone. The Graphics portary the erry alternate reality of Britain unbelivably and the story presents u with a great mix of Creepy Crawls and epic shoot outs. THe multiplayer is awesome online. witht plenty of match options and levels to choose from alongside a 40 person per game limit the multiplayer can get intense and more importantly fun. Inssomniac has created a spectacular game and i only see two flaws. The first is the Story and characters arent as fleshed out as tthey should be which is a bummer because theire was so much potential for an awesome tale. Hopefully that will be fixed with the expected sequel. Second the graphics dont look so hot on an SDTV so upgrade to HD pronto.
The weapons here steal the show by being so dierse balanced and creative. All the elements combine to make a truly awesom game.
This game is a wonderful shooter. It was was my second game for the Playstation 3. (The first was Call of Duty 3). If you play this game, you must have an HDTV. Along with the HDTV the visuals are stunning. After you kil... Read Full Review
Resistance is a game made by Insomniac, a developer best knowned for its high rating series Ratchet and Clank. The game started with a simple idea, make a WWII game but change the story a bit. This derived in a new game,... Read Full Review