R:FOM was easily the biggest let down that I experienced in a long time (besides Haze) I thought that it would be more like Doom but I was wrong. I found that the enemies in the story were a bit to. . . repetitive. The online in this game is likely what got it the awards that it did. I will give this game props though because it did get in the Guiness Book of World Records for most sold game. I probably would expect to see GTA4 take that spot this year:) The online modes that are used are only good if you have. . . well. . . online. The 40 player online was the best thing to come from any game, with the graphics still good with 40 individual people on the map. With the release of R:2 the hype is likely going to be bigger than the 1st. I really hope that they deliver with there online promises unlike the Haze letdown with the 60 people online. Just because of that I didn't get Haze.
This game is a wonderful shooter. It was was my second game for the Playstation 3. (The first was Call of Duty 3). If you play this game, you must have an HDTV. Along with the HDTV the visuals are stunning. After you kil... Read Full Review
Resistance is a game made by Insomniac, a developer best knowned for its high rating series Ratchet and Clank. The game started with a simple idea, make a WWII game but change the story a bit. This derived in a new game,... Read Full Review