This is my first proper review so if its crap u know why lol. You might think that Resistance fall of man is just another 1st person shooter. However Its 40 player online and gripping storyline makes this game, in my eyes, stand out from every other 1st person out there. Story- The story is basically that a group of aliens, called the chimera, come from nowhere and took over all of europe. You are an american Nathen Hail who has come over, with the american army,to help the British try to stop the chimera. Throughout the story you find more and more about the alien cretures and leaves you with with a puzzling story. Online- This is where the game really shines. Upto 40 ppl on one map, which is apsolutely crazy but nethertheless fun. Itsalso has its own kind of achevments well medals in fact andare quite fun to earn. You go up in rank the more you play and unlock skins and other bits as you do. There are 2 kinds of games to enter Ranked and custom. Obviously the ranked matches are to increse your rank and the custom matches are well custom. Then out of them there are other game types from your orignal Deathmatch and Team deathmatch to the games unique modes such as Breach and Assult. In breach you battle through your enemys base and destroy these power condures. With next gen graphic and amazing soundsthis game is a must have for Ps3 owners.
This game is a wonderful shooter. It was was my second game for the Playstation 3. (The first was Call of Duty 3). If you play this game, you must have an HDTV. Along with the HDTV the visuals are stunning. After you kil... Read Full Review
Resistance is a game made by Insomniac, a developer best knowned for its high rating series Ratchet and Clank. The game started with a simple idea, make a WWII game but change the story a bit. This derived in a new game,... Read Full Review