Let the bullets fly!!!
I'll start with the game play (as a whole).
Resistance: Fall of Man provides you with frantic, exciting and oftentimes INSANE amounts of action. It also provides the quiet, creepy corridor crawls to break up the intense all out war sequences. There will be times where you will look on your screen and wonder to yourself "how the **** am I going to kill all these things?" but given the weapon choices, you have MORE then adequate firepower to get the job done. This is just a really fun game, plain and simple. The graphics and sound of Resistance: Fall of Man while not being the best out there are nothing less then sensational. It really reminded me of a grittier version of City 17 from Half Life 2. I will say the last levels of the game (London levels) were truly amazing. I would have liked to see that kind of level design all the way through. The all out war levels just blew me away. The levels when you are alone just seemed a bit lacking but fun no less. Seeing screenshots of the game does not do it justice. Seeing it in motion is a must! The pure amount of stuff on screen and not a hint of slowdown makes this game a real visual treat. The audio (while great) could have been a bit better. It just doesn’t have that “next-gen” sound that I have become accustomed too from games like Rainbow Six: Vegas, Call of Duty 3 and Gears of War. It is still awesome but could have been given a bit harder kick in the nuts.
I haven’t dove into the multiplayer yet but I will as soon as I get bored of playing the single player game.
Resistance: Fall of Man is a must own title for the launch of the PS3 that serves up everything you want in a shooter. Revolutionary, no...but who cares when the action is as fun as it is…..that IS why we play games right?