The closest thing the PS3 has to Halo
juggernaut machine(s). Resistance breaks that mould by being creative,
fun, and yet challenging to both veterans and newbies of FPS games past and present. Insomniac games is known for Ratchet & Clank fame , and you're probably thinking that there's no chance in hell that they could pull off a killer FPS for the ps3's launch - or any other time for that mater. That's where your wrong - dead wrong. R:FoM is fun , not in the "5 minute quick thrill" sense , but in the 2 hour "I need to finish this mission" sense. The level design is straight forward and linear , which means it's hard to get lost, which means that you're never too far from the action. By no means am I implying that the levels are repetative - far from it. Set in an alternate history of 1951 England , you'll traverse everything from the war - torn streets of York to the alien Chimera megastructures in the ruins of London. If you're a dedicated graphics nut , you'll need to see it on a Hi - Def TV for enhanced ambiance. So - it's engaging and it looks clean and polised. The very same can be said about the game's ruthless enemies and intuative control layout.
The bad guys in resistance are the Chimera aliens , actually they are humans that have been infected with a virus and mutated. But besides their
back - story, the chimera are one of most vicious and intelligent enemies
you'll ever have the challenge disposing of. FAST - UNPREDICTABLE -
CUNNING - KILLARIFIC ( ??? ) This is the way the Chimera do their thing and it is the most common you'll be swearing if you look at it as an acronym. Things can get a little crazy really fast when 7 chimera back you into a corner , but don't panic , just remember a man's best friend - not a
dog - hell no - your trusty shotgun and frag grendes are your babies in this game, so use them wisely. A cluttered control sceme will ruin any feirce firefight , but the interface is a godsend to all FPS games. seriously- it's that simple. A quick tap on the R2
trigger cycles through available weapons - which you have a lot of - so what do you do? You hold down the R2 trigger and a wheel HUD comes up and pauses the game while displaying the outline of all your guns and their
names / ammo / secondary fire rounds , etc. So then you simply select the desired firearm and you'll have it instantaneously. Good Graphics. Good Guns. Good Controls> Good AI Good Girl - yea, only one hot Brit chick ; ) ( tis' better than none ) Good Fun One of the toughest things to judge in a FPS is difficulty.
I've played FPS games since I was 10 starting with Golden Eye back on the
N64 , so the game was pretty standard on medium difficulty. But as a guiding light to all easily frustrated people , let me just clarify that if you decide to try Hard mode and Superhuman mode , that you'll
be asking yourself " what kind of sick sadistic bastard would place 3 mines behind that wall after I just barely escaped with my life? "
*crash* *bang* "WHAT THE #$%^ !!!" *controller flung out window* So beat the game on medium to familiarize yourself with where the
enemies will be.
Happy Hunting!
P.S. the game has a wicked achievement system and a ton of secrets that
guarentee you won't be happy beating it just once : )