Resistance: Fall of Man Isn't groundbreaking, but it sure is damn fun.

User Rating: 9.2 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
This game is easily the best of the ps3 launch titles, which isn't really saying much, but it's a damn fine game on it's own. Throughout the game's campaign, you play as a soldier named Nathan Hale, a sincere badass who does things alone. Why alone? Because every time you get an ally, don't be surprised if they die within 0.02 seconds. It's not that they're stupid, although they run around aimlessly when there are no enemies around, but that this game was pretty much developed for you to duke it out with the nOObs singlehandedly.
About 10 minutes into the game, your guy gets attacked by thousands of these little bugs, which infect him with the chimeran virus. What this will do is slowly turn you into a chimera, although don't expect to actually go all-out chimera during the game and pwn some baddies. That was actually an element in the game i was hoping to see, but regardless, it's still great fun. Along the way you'll get some cool guns, which are fun to use, and are diverse enough so you'll end up finding a gun to suit your style in every situation. The campaign's story isn't incredibly engaging and cinematic, but it's interesting enough to make you wonder what will happen next, but the game boasts great replay value with tons of unlockables. For instance, you get skill points for doing certain things, like running over 5 chimera backwards in a car, killing 5 enemies in a row with a single grenade, killing enemies with non-weapon damage, squatting over fallen enemies and so on. It's entertaining and rewarding to unlock a skill point, and when you collect enough skill points, the game will unlock concept art and even little easter eggs, like ratchet (from "Ratchet and Clank") backpacks on friendly soldiers. Also, by beating the campaign again and again, you unlock new weapons for your next go-around. You won't get many chances to use these new weapons (ammo is very scarce) but they're fun to sue while you have them. But the element that really makes this game worth owning is 40-player online multiplayer, with fun game modes, and hopefully more to come with free download content, which effectively increases this game's longevity by hundreds of hours. Also, you can slap down a good $66 bucks CAD for an extra remote, and have a 2-4player split-screen with your friends.
Also, the game's ending leaves a wide opening for a sequel, which will most likely address some issues in the game, like graphics (they're really pretty, but you can tell this was rushed out the door for the ps3's launch), and adding some new gameplay elements to make this game really stand out from the crowd. All in all, if you chipped in for a ps3 (or won one in a draw like me :P ), this game is a must-own.