i gave these game a 9.8 in part the high score is due to the fact that the controles were great for a FPC on a console

User Rating: 9.7 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
i gave these game a 9.8 in part the high score is due to the fact that the controles were great for a FPC on a console ..

Well as most people i got these game with the idea of (well its the only GOOD game for the PS3 on lunch) .. and even tho is not the "ONLY" good game its the BEST right now .. well i started to play the game i liked the first cut sene it more or less gave you the background on what was going on .. after the game trows you right in the fun !! lol .. As i said bfor is great that it fells so natural to move and shot in these game even picking your guns is easy and good .. (thanks in part of not being a banana the control lol ..) the dual shok fell great no feedback but some how i didnt really even remember about it .. but back to the game The number of guns that gaves you is BIG and every time u finish the game you get even more .. and some how unlike other games (halo being one of them ) the guns dont fell as if they are "FAKE" dont get me wrong halo is a GREAT game in its on right but the makers of fall of man got it right on the guns part ..

The story get good as the game goes there are some hard parts in the game bu nothign WAYY to hard and due to the fact that you can have ALL the guns at once you never really get ot a point were u go DANM if i had the sniper right now id have he best kill ever made in a game ..

But going back to the game the story really got beater as the game went on .. So i gave these game a 9.7 the Graphics arent the best we are going to end up seeing on the Ps3 BUT! as far as DAY ONE games go .. ps2 xbox gamecube and the 360 none had a beatter and funner game next to them on DAY ONE .. That save to say .. DONT want to spoil the end to any one but the last video shows that these wont be the las Fall Of Man we are going to see and that a GOOD thing becasue me the guy that osent like FPS got so much in to these game that left me anting to play more after i was done ...

So if you have a Ps3 right now and or ARE thinkign about geting one make sure to get Fall Of Man .. is a GREAT game that takes the best from the best on its kind and adds even more .. Resistence A MUST HAVE FOR ANY ONE WITH A PS3..!