Resistance Fall of Man is a great first game that can only get better as the franchise goes on.
The Gameplay in Resistance is pretty good and feels right. When I say that I mean that the control layout fits with what you want. R1 to shoot, X to jump, O to throw a grenade, and so on. The monsters(Chimera) are pretty cool and have a great A.I so at times they will give you a good fight. There are some really bad Glitches that pop up only once in a while. One of them is that for some reason your character(Nathan Hale) gets stuck in areas being unable to move, the only way out is to kill yourself unless you want to start the whole mission over,killing yourself would put you in your last checkpoint. Another one was that the Chimera were sometimes going through the walls so when that happend I couldn't kill them but they still could've shot at me. Its no big deal though really, these things only happend to me like 4 or 5 times.
The Graphics are good. The skies could have used more colors....its always gray. The Chimera look great as do the people. Environments are okay and when I say that i mean the objects like in a playground look authentic while things like grass and trees could have looked better.
The sounds are pretty good. Sometimes I laugh at the sounds the Chimera make because at times its so quiet and there voices just comes out of no where. The Guns sound realistic, the voice acting is well down, and moving through grass and hardwood floors sounds realistic.
The value of this depends on you the buyer. The game came out in 2006 so I don't know if there is still people playing online with this, especially since Resistance 2 is out. The story will take about 6 to 8 hours to complete and you have the option to replay it on a easier or harder setting with new weapons.
EXTRA: According to most Reviewers the story was pretty crappy, well here's my take on it. I found it okay. The Developers though should've explained almost everything more. How did the Chimera land on earth and Why?, Why isn't Hale infected by the Chimerans? While following the story these are the questions you will ask yourself. So overall with the story it was okay but needed to be developed more.
In conclusion to all this. I say this game is worth buying especially if you intend on buying Resistance 2 and Resistance:Retribution. I think you will enjoy its originality and great controls. Whatever it is that you like in shooters this will provide you with what you want.